What We Eat
I think a lot of people wonder what vegetarians eat. How do they manage to avoiding taking their own lives from boredom? Well, we don't eat meat and I love to cook, so I can answer that question. And I will, on Food Fridays. I plan to post a recipe every Friday, something that has made it into monthly or bimonthly rotation.
In the interest of full disclosure, I do eat meat occasionally. Jeremy and Thomas are completely meat-free but I refuse to go to a restaurant and spend more money than its worth on something from the appetizer list (which is often the only place on the menu with a vegetarian option). I also could not go on if I knew I would never eat another cheeseburger. What would be the point?
That being said, we don't bring meat into our house. And while I don't think it's inherently wrong to kill an animal to eat it, factory farming is a moral and social outrage. Animals suffer and that should matter to us. Industrial meat production is also environmentally unsustainable; anyone who is worried about their personal contribution to global warming, should limit their consumption of animal products. Oh, and animal products are incredibly bad for you, at least at the rates that Americans eat them. There are a whole host of diseases from the explosion of cancer and diabetes to tooth decay that can be linked to the way we eat.
So, there. I've given you three huge reasons to pay attention on Fridays and maybe make some of my recipes and then tell me how much you liked them.
OK, I am very excited about this. I should've been hitting you up for recipes a long time ago. You've basically summed up our position on vegetarianism, too. I haven't cooked with meat in years, and I'm always looking for new dinner ideas.
Awesome! I'm so glad your looking forward to it. We have a number of vegetarian friends and I've been e-mailing recipes to them for a while now but no one ever e-mails back to tell me if they actually made any of them. Hopefully, now I'll get some feedback.
Erin has some great recipes, too, so the sharing can go both ways!
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