Friday, January 15, 2010

Le Creuset

Happy Birthday To Me! Jeremy bought me a Le Creuset french oven for my birthday! (I guess he wanted my undying affection. Or maybe just dinner.)

I l.o.v.e. love it. I may have licked it when I took it out of the box yesterday. The woman who runs the Amazon shop Jeremy bought it from even sent a matching pot holder and oven mitt.

I know some people might wonder if I really need a $200 pot. And of course I don't need it. But I'll use it at least 3 times a week for the foreseeable future. And, perhaps the thing I like most about it, it will outlive me. Someday someone will pry it from my cold, dead fingers I'll pass it on to someone else and they'll still be able to use it for years. It's an heirloom, people.


Amy R. said...

Cool! Saw a similar pot at Marshall's the other day and thought it looked neat. :) Hope you enjoy it.

Sonya Ann said...

"I may have licked it" I bust out laughing. I'm so glad that i found your blog. And I loved the part about prying it from your cold dead hands!